More than a safety net, Managed IT Support – that knows your business – can serve as a capable and valuable team player. The ROI can go beyond 100% uptime.
10 Advantages of Outsourcing IT Support
1. Outsourcing, frees-up your attention to be refocused on achieving business objectives
2. Bridge gaps for optimized operations & enhance productivity & efficiency
3. Simplify collaboration, communications & digital work flow processes
4. Minimize exposure risks
5. Reduce expenditure on additional staff or in-house infrastructure
6. Achieve regulatory requirements (i.e. POPI)
7. Monitored system access & breach alerts
8. Receive expert assistance
9. Enable remote workplace with safe access & support
10. Enjoy scalable custom solutions
Extenuating Circumstances
Progression toward technologically infused offices and increased digitalization was a global trend at the start of this year. When the realities of Covid19 and Lockdown hit (and they are still hitting) they necessitated drastic and rapid change in many working environments. These may have unfolded at a slower pace without the pandemic, however the increased need to incorporate appropriate tech into everyday business process has been pressing for some time.
While these extenuating circumstances may be hogging the spotlight, other realities prompting digital transformation include:
• Ransomware & Cyber-criminal activity
• Unique elements within the RSA landscape i.e. load shedding, click here for a 100% uptime solution.
• New Governmental & Industry Regulation i.e. POPI, click here to get prepped and primed in a way that works for you.
• Consumer expectations & Market Demands
• Competitive agility
Achieving safe and secured networks, limiting disruptions, accessible and complete back-ups for effective disaster recovery plus business continuity, and maintaining regulatory compliance are all now essential for doing business well and sound corporate governance.
Independent vs. Supported Explored
The impact area of an investment in Managed IT services is significant. Compare and contrast ‘Independent vs. Supported’ in the following areas:
• Servers (on-site or hosted): Extra cost incurred as new purchase or call-out required vs. no additional spend as maintenance is included in monthly support plan.
• Users: Lost productivity & poor mobilization of tech capabilities vs. educated & trained staff with access to expert local support familiar with your business system and able to assist on location or remotely as needed.
• Network: Loopholes result in security risks and downtimes vs. managed and monitored secure & safe connectivity.
• Anti- Virus: Outdated software leads to loss of data, time, and client confidence vs. peace of mind with automatically scheduled and supervised updates.
• Server Back-Up (On site or Cloud): System back-ups incomplete or irregular i.e. useless vs. thorough, effective, tested back-ups to restore system easily, achieve true business continuity such that no trading is lost, and meet POPI archival compliance regulations.
Stay Work Ready
It is difficult (if not impossible) to run at full-steam with all hands on deck if hardware and software glitches steal momentum and pick off participants.
Focused IT support ensures that staff workstations are always at the ready regardless of where they are located.
• Work unimpeded with business-grade internet connectivity.
• Benefit from purpose driven software such as Microsoft Teams to enhance secure communications channels for effective online team management and supervision.
A Partner that Works for Your Business Objectives
We specialize in custom solutions for small and medium size businesses who require functional IT technology that serves staff, clients, and partners.
Our solutions evolve with your changing needs and are completely scalable. We provide IT infrastructure (hardware & software) and IT support which encompasses the full spectrum.
• Request a Basic Network IT Audit: we can assess your current network design and present the different possible working-solutions moving forward.
• Ask a Question: Not sure? Contact us today and ask an expert consultant.
Contact us on: 010 035 1218
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