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Evolving your business to function optimally does not always require a quantum leap. The simple step of teaming up with NCX and Xerox DocuShare® can transform the way you do business for the better!

Benefit from everyone in your business using the same system for continuity and uniformity, with every document in the business tracked & accessed securely without document-redundancy. The following document management system is so user-friendly and organised that staff can always find what they are looking for without their sense of workflow being disrupted.


Efficiency encompasses more than simply reducing wastage. It speaks to one’s approach to information and process management. Digitization is not just about letting go of paper and speeding up the pace (although that is one inherent element). In this space new, comprehensive, and enhanced ways of approaching daily work tasks stand to empower each sphere of work life. The correct platforms authorise independence, provide accountability, and free-up staff to let go of time-wasters to accelerate performance.

If you are concerned about disrupting your business operations, know that NCX offers a hassel free conversions and staff training to ensure staff “buy-in” and adoption of the new systems – click here for a concise article.


Data is valuable. It is generated in multiple facets of business: from invoicing to client specifications to market forecasting, long-term strategies and more. Remaining paper-based or without solid back-up solutions for data keeps your business vulnerable to data loss and reputational damage. The way data is managed and dealt within your office impacts business management processes, information security strategies, and either contributes or detracts from business agility.


DocuShare®’s flexible licensing and availability as a hosted service ensure maximized ROI from the start.

Innovative since its inception when it was introduced as the very first web-based document management tool in 1997. Since the initial launch, Xerox DocuShare® has been refining its customizable offerings and honing additional capabilities. Xerox DocuShare® now offers an exceeding variety of elements perfectly suited to small and medium sized businesses. It is a global leader and ranked high in G2’s Winter 2020 Enterprise Content Management Grid® Report.

Xerox DocuShare® is a global leader because of its industry-leading functions which include:
• Custom tailored solutions
• Easy archiving and retrieval
• Remote Access for a Mobile Workforce
• Intuitive interfaces
• Access control of content
• Accountability & Tracking
• Automation for key workflow processes
• Simple Management
• Security as Priority
• Facilitate sharing and collaboration
• Managed data in line with regulations and best practice for compliance



The revolution will be digital! Adoption of disruptive technologies doesn’t have to equal a riot in the cubicles.

Concerns regarding the disturbance of business operations due to the introduction of new systems – can be a breeding ground for procrastination. Every day you wait puts your business at more of a disadvantage. With the correct partner and comprehensive support, you can be confident that ROI and benefits will be seen immediately.

NCX professionals specialize in smooth change-overs. Conversions to emerging technologies in expert hands equal seamless transitions without disruptions to your business operations.



NCX is a trusted Xerox concessionaire that offers products and services to small and medium South African businesses.

We understand the unique particulars of the RSA business environment and are passionate about helping business owners and management do more with less.

• Office Assessments & Consultations: with feedback on infrastructure and/or suggestions to streamline document management systems in order to facilitate business operations. Schedule an Office Consultation today.
• Personalized office Network and Automation in line with your goals and budget, designed with you.
• Advantages of a single vendor including lowered cost, quality support, and more!
• A full range of support services including:
– Printers
– IT
– Infrastructure Solutions
– Voice & Data
– Wesbank Finance

NCX provides support for your entire business operations, not just your printer!

Connect with NCX via FacebookTwitterInstagram & LinkedIn